Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling


New and updated features of this title

  • NEW: An overview of global public education issues examines the similarities and differences of education in US and Finland schools, with a broader-view interpretation of international test scores (Ch. 12).
  • UPDATED: Positive classroom practice strategies and an increased emphasis on the societal context of schooling include enhanced coverage of LGBTQ issues and ways teachers can address understanding and acceptance (Chs. 2 and 9).

Hallmark features of this title

  • Real-life accounts highlight the actual experiences of 8 teachers, 8 students and 4 principals at schools across the US, giving readers first-hand context for the discussions of development, diversity, teaching, learning and more.
  • Dear Reader letters from the author begin each chapter to introduce topics in personal and engaging ways.
  • Teaching in Focus features help readers explore authentic teaching and learning dilemmas and accomplishments.
  • Developing Professional Competency end-of-chapter scenarios probe the issues of classroom teaching and help prepare readers for licensure exams.
  • Coverage of the history of education emphasizes the need to learn from history and understand that every teacher can shape the future of education (Ch. 7).