Clinical Nursing Skills: A Concept-Based Approach, Volume III


Hallmark features of this title

Hundreds of nursing skills

  • Students learn to execute 275 major skills with nearly 250 minor skills embedded in them. They also learn how to delegate, educate patients and individualize patient care.
  • The skills support concepts in Volumes I and II. In each chapter of Volume III, skills appear in subgroups reflecting the sequence of skill performance.
  • Common guidelines are presented for each skill, such as equipment needed and safety, age and cultural information.

Organized for effective learning

  • Skills are categorized by concept and rendered step-by-step beside illustrations demonstrating skill performance.
  • Skills are presented using a consistent framework to ease learning.
  • NCLEX®-style questions assess students’ mastery, while preparing them for the NCLEX-RN® exam.

In stock


New and updated features of this title

New or revised skills

  • NEW: Three new skills were added: colostomy, fall prevention and suicide.
  • REVISED: A total of 16 skills are revised or restructured, such as blood transfusion, body mass index and oxygen delivery systems.

Learning aids and practice opportunities

  • NEW: A new Concept of… section explains the chapter’s theoretical concept underpinning skills.
  • NEW: NCLEX-style review questions assess chapter-opening learning objectives, answers and rationales, serving as both self-review and preparation for the licensing exam.

An improved experience for both you and your students

  • NEW: Learning objectives define measurable goals at the start of each chapter and align with end-of-chapter NCLEX-style questions and the test bank.
  • NEW: Instructor’s resource manual offers class-tested, interactive hands-on and cognitive exercises to help students apply concepts and exemplars.